


Supported methods


Parent resource



vectorClipJob resource indicates a analysis job of single object overlay. Gets the detail configuration information of single object overlay job by ID through sending GET request to vectorClipJob resource.

Supported Methods:

Supported output formats: rjson, json, html, xml.

Resource hierarchy

HTTP request methods

Implement the HTTP request on the following URI, where supermapiserver is the server name, with rjson being the output format.


GET request

Gets the detail configuration information of single object overlay job.

Response structure

Execute a GET request on the vectorClipJob resource. The representation structure for the returned resource is like this:  

Field Type Description
id String Application ID.
state Jobstate The task status. Including execution status, start time, time consuming, and so on.
setting JobSetting Lists the detail information of current task.

Response example

Sending GET request to vectorClipJob resource http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/distributedanalyst/rest/v1/jobs/spatialanalyst/vectorClip/a4d3f1c0_bd7e_4c3d_a63e_b02f76a293a9.rjson, the description for the returned rjson is:


  "id": "a4d3f1c0_bd7e_4c3d_a63e_b02f76a293a9",

  "setting": {

    "DEFAULT_MASTER_ADRESS": "local[*] ",

    "analyst": {

      "datasetOverlay": "New_Region",

      "inputOverlay": "F:\\20170608\\onere\\onere.udb",

      "mode": "clip",

      "numSlices": "20"


    "appName": "vectorClip",

    "args": [


















    "contextSetting": null,

    "input": {

      "datasetSource": "zone",

      "inputSource": "F:\\20170608\\onere\\onere.udb"


    "mainClass": "com.supermap.bsp.main.vectorClipMain",

    "output": {

      "cacheName": null,

      "cacheType": null,

      "datasetResult": "analystResult",

      "outputResult": "F:\\20170608\\supermap_iserver_900_15008_4414_win64_zip\\webapps\\iserver\\processingResultData\\Analyst\\udbs\\fdae17ca-782b-4729-83d0-bfefb573377d"


    "serviceInfo": {

      "targetDataPath": "F:\\20170608\\supermap_iserver_900_15008_4414_win64_zip\\webapps\\iserver\\processingResultData\\Analyst\\a4d3f1c0_bd7e_4c3d_a63e_b02f76a293a9",

      "targetServiceInfos": [


          "serviceAddress": "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-vectorClip2/rest",

          "serviceType": "RESTMAP"



          "serviceAddress": "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/data-vectorClip2/rest",

          "serviceType": "RESTDATA"




    "serviceRoot": "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/"


  "state": {

    "elapsedTime": 12091,

    "endState": true,

    "endTime": 1496911750621,

    "errorMsg": null,

    "errorStackTrace": null,

    "publisherelapsedTime": 2804,

    "runState": "FINISHED",

    "startTime": 1496911733481




HEAD request

Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content. The meta-information includes the media-type, content-encoding, transfer-encoding, content-length, etc.

HEAD request can be used to check if the vectorClipJob resource exists, or if the vectorClipJob resource can be accessed by clients. It can also determine if the vectorClipJob resource supports an output format <format> if performed on a URI with .<format> included.
