


Supported methods


Parent resource



The summaryRegionJob resource represents the query operation on a single object. By executing a GET request on the summaryRegionJob resource, you can obtain the detailed configuration information of the summary work in a region by the ID ({jobID}).

Supported Methods:

Supported output formats: rjson, json, html, xml.

Resource hierarchy

HTTP request methods

Implement the HTTP request on the following URI, where supermapiserver is the server name, with rjson being the output format.


GET request

Get the detailed configuration information of the summary work in a region.

Response structure

Execute a GET request on the summaryRegionJob resource. The representation structure for the returned resource is like this:  

Field Type Description
id String Application ID.
state Jobstate Task status. Including the implementation state, starting and ending time, consuming time and so on.
setting JobSetting List the detailed information of current single object query analysis task.

Response example

Execute GET request for summaryRegionJob resource: http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/distributedanalyst/rest/v1/jobs/spatialanalyst/summaryregion/48508e0b_d4b5_4278_bbde_9e092fe85618.rjson. The returned representation in rjson format is as follows:


  "id": "48508e0b_d4b5_4278_bbde_9e092fe85618",

  "setting": {

    "DEFAULT_MASTER_ADRESS": "local[*] ",

    "analyst": {

      "bounds": "-74.050,40.650,-73.850,40.850",

      "fieldResultName": "Sum_LocationIDStandard",

      "fields": "LocationID",

      "meshSize": "10",

      "meshSizeUnit": "Meter",

      "meshType": "0",

      "standardSummaryFields": "true",

      "statisticModes": "Sum",

      "sumShape": "true",

      "weightedSummaryFields": "false"


    "appName": "summaryWithinMesh",

    "args": [


















    "contextSetting": null,

    "input": {

      "datasetInfo": {

        "available": true,

        "bounds": "Left=-74.0012189965531,Bottom=40.691422739248694,Right=-73.84588071508979,Top=40.84578668020041",

        "datasetName": "singleRegion_R",

        "datasetType": "REGION",

        "epsgCode": 4326,

        "name": "test_processing_singleRegion_R",

        "readOnly": false,

        "type": "UDB",

        "url": "E:\\data\\test\\processing.udb"


      "datasetName": "test_processing_singleRegion_R",

      "numSlices": 0


    "mainClass": "com.supermap.bsp.main.SummaryWithinMeshMain",

    "output": {

      "datasetName": "analystResult",

      "outputPath": "F:\\iserver-code\\iserver\\etc\\iserver-debug\\src\\test\\resources\\iserver\\processingResultData\\Analyst\\udbs\\14ec67de-c7a5-42e0-9fae-0b9f65b7bf38"


    "serviceInfo": {

      "targetDataPath": "F:\\iserver-code\\iserver\\etc\\iserver-debug\\src\\test\\resources\\iserver\\processingResultData\\Analyst\\48508e0b_d4b5_4278_bbde_9e092fe85618",

      "targetServiceInfos": [


          "serviceAddress": "http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/data-summaryRegion73/rest",

          "serviceType": "RESTDATA"



          "serviceAddress": "http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/map-summaryRegion64/rest",

          "serviceType": "RESTMAP"




    "serviceRoot": "http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/",

    "type": "SUMMARYMESH"


  "state": {

    "elapsedTime": 48120,

    "endState": true,

    "endTime": 1499671184678,

    "errorMsg": null,

    "errorStackTrace": null,

    "publisherelapsedTime": 4970,

    "runState": "FINISHED",

    "startTime": 1499671126724



HEAD request

Returns the same HTTP response header as the GET request, but does not have the response entity. It can get the metadata information in the response header without transferring the whole response content. Metadata information includes media type, character encoding, compression encoding, entity content length, and so on.

The HEAD request can be used to determine whether the summaryRegionJob resource exists or whether the client has authority to access the summaryRegionJob resource. It can quickly determine whether the summaryRegionJob resource supports the representation in <format> format by performing HEAD request on URI with <format>.
