Edit features


MapStudio provides the ability to edit features on layers derived from SuperMap iServer REST data services and structured data, which contains adding, copying, deleting features, and modifying the spatial and attribute information of features.

It should be noted that not all of the above types of layers can be edited. Whether a layer is editable is determined by factors such as whether the data itself allows editing, and whether the current user has editing permission. Details are as follows:


Here we will focus on how to edit features in layers. You can also modify the attributes of features in the attribute table. To edit features in a layer, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the layer and click on "Edit" in the function bar on the right. When no feature is selected, the panel contains tips and buttons for adding new features, including points, lines, and polygons. The button styles depend on the type of layer.
  2. To modify information about an existing feature, click on the feature on the map, then:

(1) The right panel will display the attribute information, and you can modify the value in the input box.

(2) Click and drag the feature to change its spatial position, or directly enter the new position value; for line and polygon features, if you want to modify the node, you need to click to select the target node first, then drag and move.

(3) Click the "Save changes" button to complete the modification, or click the "Cancel" button to discard. After canceling, the feature information will be restored to the last saved.

  1. To add a new feature to the current layer. Click the Add Feature button, then:

(1) For different types of layers, click on the map to add the corresponding features. When adding line and polygon features, you should add nodes in sequence on the map and then right-click to complete the addition.

(2) The default attribute of the added feature is empty, and you can edit the value in the right panel.

(3) Click "Save changes" to complete adding features, click "Cancel" to discard.

  1. After selecting the feature, click to copy it. The copied feature will be automatically selected, you can modify its spatial information and attribute information on the map or in the right panel. The operation is the same as step 2. Click "Save changes" to add the feature, click "Cancel" to discard.

  2. To delete a feature, you can select it first, click in the right panel, then click "Save changes" to complete the deletion. Clicking "Cancel" can restore the feature. Once saved, the feature will be deleted permanently.

  3. If you need to delete features or modify the spatial position of features in batch, you can press Ctrl and click to select multiple features at the same time, then click in the right panel to delete all selected features; mouse over any selected features and drag to modify the spatial position of the features in batch.