Visualize featured data on maps with DataViz


SuperMap iPortal provides professional mapping functions for you to easily create maps online to display your featured business data, life data or other data, and you can share with your partners or friends to collaborate to finish editing one map. There are three entries to start making a map, log in to iPortal, click "DataViz", or enter Resource Center > DataViz, then click "Create Map", or enter Personal Center > My Maps, then click "Create a Map".

To make a map, the basic steps are Selecting a basemap, Adding layers, Modifying layer style, Saving and sharing. For adding layers, you can add from files, add by searching the layers in published services, add from Web, or add markers layer to draw points, lines, polygons, or markers. In addition, you can search features in the added layers, and the result can be saved and exported. During making a map, be careful to save the added contents at any time. After finishing mapping, save your work.