Modifying the layer style


After adding layer, you can modify the styles of maker, control the style of the drawn point, line, region, click on the button on the right side of the maker layer, choose "layer style" from the drop-down box, open the "layer style" dialog box, style respectively for all the points, lines or regions elements in the current layer, the operation need to be careful, once the style is changed, it will be applied to all the elements in the layer. Of course, you can also select a single element on the map, in the pop-up "edit attribute" dialog box, click on the "change sign" button, modify the style of the element, at this point, the modified style is only for the element, not applied to the whole layer.

You can make thematic map for the following vector layer :

Modifying point style

SuperMap iPortal provides two styles to modify the point element, including: using point symbol and using point style.

For the point element in the layer, system provides an symbol library of the point icon, you can choose the symbol size, color and small icons representing different uses according to requirements.

In addition, you can also upload a custom icon as the point symbol, and adjust the size of the icon.

  1. Point radius: Adjusting the size of point element, users can move radius slider to the left (smaller) or right (larger), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  2. Fill color: Changing the color of the point element, after the change is completed, click on the "ok" button.
  3. Fill transparency: Adjusting the transparency of the point element, users can move transparency slider to the left (reduce transparency) or right (increase transparency), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  4. Contour color: Changing the color of the point element contour, after the change is completed, click on the "ok" button.
  5. Contour transparency: Adjusting the transparency of the point element, users can move transparency slider to the left (reduce transparency) or right (increase transparency), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  6. Thickness of contour: Adjusting the thickness of the point element contour, users can move thickness slider to the left (thinner) or right (thicker), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.

Modifying line style

You can modify the style of the line element by the following ways:

  1. Contour color: Changing the color of the line element contour, after the change is completed, click on the "ok" button.
  2. Contour transparency: Adjusting the transparency of the line element, users can move transparency slider to the left (reduce transparency) or right (increase transparency), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  3. Thickness of contour: Adjusting the thickness, users can move thickness slider to the left (thinner) or right (thicker), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  4. Contour endpoint: Changing the contour endpoint, users can choose different endpoint style.
  5. Contour style: Changing the contour style, users can choose solid line or different style of dotted line.

Modifying region style

You can modify the style of the region element by the following ways:

  1. Fill color: Changing the color of the region element, after the change is completed, click on the "ok" button.
  2. Fill transparency: Adjusting the transparency of the region element, users can move transparency slider to the left (reduce transparency) or right (increase transparency), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  3. Contour color: Changing the color of the region element contour, after the change is completed, click on the "ok" button.
  4. Contour transparency: Adjusting the transparency of the region element, users can move transparency slider to the left (reduce transparency) or right (increase transparency), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  5. Thickness of contour: Adjusting the thickness of the region element contour, users can move thickness slider to the left (thinner) or right (thicker), users can also click the number beside the slider and input accurate value.
  6. Contour endpoint: Changing the endpoint of the region element contour, users can choose different endpoint style.
  7. Contour style: Changing the contour style, users can choose solid line or different style of dotted line.

Basic styles of thematic map

Users can set the uniform color, transparency of point, line, region layer and so on by using the styles. Click the button, users can edit the styles of point, line, region layer. For example: The point element layer added by uploading files, can make the thematic map in the basic style, you can set the uniform size, color, transparency and so on for all the point elements, you can also set the label field, the label style, the label font, etc.

Unique values map

This style can be used in the geological map, geomorphological map, vegetation map, land use map, political administrative map, natural zoning map, economic zoning map, etc. Unique vallues map is to lump the elements of the same thematic value into one category, set a rendering style for each category, such as color, etc. For example, the region layer of SuperMap REST Data Services type added by Web, can make unique vallues map, click on the button, set up the thematic field, choose the color ribbon, set the surface's transparency, border color, border style, border width, label field, label style, label font, and users can also customize to set the color of the single value.

Ranges map

Ranges map is commonly used to reflect the characteristics of the amount or degree of the continuous distribution phenomenon, such as the distribution of precipitation, the distribution of soil erosion intensity, etc. In the ranges map, the thematic value is divided into multiple segments in a certain segmented mode, the elements are assigned to one of the segments according to their respective thematic values, the elements are displayed in the same color in the same segment. The thematic variables based by the ranges map are suggested to be numeric.

For example, the region layer of SuperMap REST Data Services type added by Web, can make ranges map, click on the button, set up the thematic field, choose the color ribbon, set the region's transparency, border color, border style, border width, label field, label style, label font, and users can also customize to set the color of ranges and the numeric ranges.

Heat map

You can use heat map to make thematic map for point element layer The heat map can aggregate large amounts of data, and uses a gradual ribbon to display, the final effect is generally superior to the direct display of the discrete points. The heat map can be used to directly display the density level or frequency of spatial data.

For example: The point element layer added by uploading files, can make heat map, click on the button, set the hot spot color, hot spot radius, weight field, users can also customize the color of the hot spots.