Layout components


Layout components include the Container component and Tab component. Click "Components" in the left sidebar, select the components you want to add under the "Layout" category, and drag it to the right dashboard:

Container component

The Container component can combine multiple components. When the Container component is moved and the size is changed, all the components in the Container component will be moved, proportionally scaled, and the relative layout is stable. When using a Container component, you only need to drag and drop a component into the Container component. A Container component contain the following configuration items:

Tab component

A Tab component divides the panel into multiple states, you can add components to each state separately; by switching tabs, components in different states of the same panel can be displayed.

Specific operation: Click a tab name to switch the Tab component to a different state, and then drag components to the corresponding state of the tab component.

The configuration items of a Tab component are as follows: