Getting started


Learn the following basics before using DataInsights:

Licenses and roles

Before using DataInsights, the SuperMap iPortal license and DataInsights Extension Module license are required. To view the license of your current iPortal, see: Licensing information.

Additionaly, the users need to be granted with the DATA_CENTER role. For details, see: Roles and permissions.

Interface Introduction

Once you have the DataInsights license and DATA_CENTER role, you can start your DataInsight journey. After logging in to iPortal, you can access the DataInsights WebApp in the following ways:

The DataInsights page is as follows. Here we take a brief introduction.

  1. Workbench: When selecting 'Works' in the sidebar, area 5 enters the Workbench, where all views are displayed.
  2. Data: After selecting 'Data' in the sidebar, select a piece of data in area 4, then the attribute table of the data will be displayed in area 5. You can browse all attributes and modify the field names.
  3. Console: When selecting 'Console' in the sidebar, area 5 will enter the configuration page for Data Science Analysis. Once configured, you can write and run Python code in the Notebook to perform analysis. Images, charts, text, iFrames, etc. from your analysis can be added to the workbench as views with one click.
  4. Data area: Data added to DataInsights will display in this area. Clicking on the icon to the right of data can update it, export it as a local file, or remove it from DataInsights.
  5. Work area: the main area of DataInsight, which changes with the selection of "Works/Data/Console" in the sidebar. When "Works" is selected, all created views are displayed; when "Data" is selected, all tables of data are displayed; when 'Console' is selected, you will enter the Data Science workspace.
  6. Toolbar: contains skinning (dark and light mode), adding views, saving, exporting (export all views of the workbench to PNG or PDF), sharing, maximizing, view settings (including views linkage and map synchronization), settings (title/description of insight items, handling of invalid data, default basemap settings, analysis settings), personal center.
  7. Property/Operation panel: When selecting "Works" in the sidebar, this area displays the properties, analysis, and other settings of the view selected in area 5; when selecting"Console" in the sidebar, this area becomes the output area of data science analysis results, which can be added to the workbench as views with one click.

Usage workflow

In the navigation bar of SuperMap iPortal home page, click DataInsights tab to enter DataInsights, where you can add data, create views, perform analysis and share results.

Add data

Adding data supports these ways, by uploading local Excel, CSV or GeoJSON data, by using the sample data provided by the system, or using the data from My Data, or the dataset of My Service. Once added the data you want to use, you can visualize them on map, or charts, or use the analysis functions. For details about adding data, see: Add data.

Create view

When the data is loaded, the system automatically determines the type of all fields. You can create views from the fields, each of which creates two kinds of views: a map and a chart. The linkage display between created maps and charts is opened by default. You can open/close in the View Setting at the upper right bar. For details about creating views, see: Create view.

Perform analysis

Once created a map view with the data you added, you can explore more values with various analysis functions. For details, see: Perform analysis.

Share analysis results

The spatial analysis results are automatically stored in "My Data" as a data table. You can download the spatial analysis results or share the analysis results with other iPortal users or applications. For details, see: Share analysis results.

Application case

To have a more clear understanding of how to use DataInsights in real scenario, see: Application case.

DataInsights settings and sharing

The workbench supports Light/Dark Theme; data supports to export to local; the created insights results can be exported as PNG or PDF, shared via link, QR code or embedded to other page via iFrame. And the shared insights supports to be displayed in Lantern Slide. For details, see: DataInsights settings and sharing.