Adding data


DataInsights provides rich data access capabilities. You can add data through the following ways.

Upload files

The following data type files are supported:

To add data via uploading, in the "Add Data" tab, select "Upload File", click "Select File" button, select a file, then click "Upload" to finish adding.

If you upload an Excel or CSV file that contains geographic coordinates, you need to specify the X and Y coordinates with the corresponding fields from data.

If you upload an Excel or CSV file that contains administrative division information, you can select the administrative type ( province or city ) and the corresponding administrative division field in the table. DataInsights will parse the administrative division boundaries automatically and add the data as polygon features.

If you upload an Excel or CSV file that only contains attribute information but without spatial information, you can choose "No coordinate" and add it to DataInsights directly, or you can associate the data with a SuperMap REST data service with location information before visulizing data on map and accessing analysis capabilities. In "Spatial Location" dialog box, select "Code", finish the following settings:

After completing the settings, click the "OK" button to complete the association process.

The uploaded data files are automatically saved to My Data . You can share data files with other iPortal users and use in other apps.

Sample data

DataInsights provides sample data which can be used for testing. In the "Add Data" tab, select "Sample Data", check any data you want to test and click the "Add" button.

Existing data and services in iPortal

DataInsights supports following ways to access existing data and services in iPortal:

After adding the data, you can preview the data in the data page, click the field of the table to sort the data, move the mouse to the field, click on the right side to change the name and type of the field.

Next is to create view operation.