

As the portal platform of cloud GIS, SuperMap iPortal supports integrating services from multi-source heterogeneous servers to manage them unitedly and only exposes one unified access exit. In addition, the services by publishing the hosted data (ie., hosted services) will also be registered into the portal. Note: If the administrator enables the Service review function, the newly added services can't be searched and used until they passed the review.

The services registered to iPortal can be used in various built-in WebApps or called by other Web GIS applications. The following introduces the service registration function and how to use the service resources in iPortal.


Service registration

To register a service in iPortal, the user is required to be the type of "Creator" and has the role of service registration permission, such as PORTAL_USER, DATA_CENTER (the division of user type and permission in iPortal, see: Role, User Type and Permissions).

To manage the registered multi-source services in iPortal unitedly to provide a united service access address, and at the same time to protect the original service address, iPortal provides the Service Proxy function (iPortal enables the built-in service proxy, you can also configure to use the standalone service proxy package). iPortal defaults to using the HTTP protocol to start the service proxy; which means even if the original service uses the HTTPS protocol, the proxied address still uses the HTTP protocol. To use the HTTPS protocol to start the service proxy, please refer to: Configure to use the HTTPS protocol to start service proxy.

Supported service types

iPortal supports to register SuperMap REST services, ArcGIS REST services, and OGC services. Table 1 below shows the supported registered service type and service address format.

Table 1 The supported registered service type and service address format in SuperMap iPortal

Service Type Service Address Format
SuperMap REST service REST map service http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/map-china400/rest
Or register to the single map level:
Also supports registering a non-fixed format request, but the response format of which should be consistant with the response format returned by any of the above service address.
REST vector tile service http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/map-china400/restjsr
Or register to the single map level:
Also supports registering a non-fixed format request, but the response format of which should be consistant with the response format returned by any of the above service address.
REST data service http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/data-world/rest
Or register to the single dataset level:
Also supports registering a non-fixed format request, but the response format of which should be consistant with the response format returned by any of the above service address.
Other type of REST service http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/serviceName/rest(jsr)
ArcGIS REST service http://<server>:<port>/arcgis/rest/services/ServiceRequest/MapServer
 OGC WMS servcie (version: 1.1.1, 1.3.0) http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/map-china400/wms130
Or register to the single map level:
OGC WFS servcie (version: 1.0.0、2.0.0) http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/data-china400/wfs100
OGC WMTS servcie (version: 1.0.0) http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/map-china400/wmts100
OGC WCS servcie (version: 1.1.1、1.1.2) http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/data-china400/wcs111
OGC WPS servcie (version: 1.0.0) http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/traffictransferanalyst-sample/wps100
Other services http://<server>:<port>/...


Register steps

Log in to iPortal, click "Resource Center" > "Services" to enter the service resource page, click "Register Service" on the right to enter the registration page, and perform the following operations;

  1. Select service type
  2. Fill in the service address. See: The supported registered service type and service address format in SuperMap iPortal
  3. Fill in the service name
  4. To register a protected service, you should check the "Specify Credentials" checkbox and select the matched credential from the drop-down list. If you haven't created the corresponding credential, click Add Credentials at the bottom of the drop-down list to complete the creation process.
  5. Specify the storage directory for the service (optional):

    If your administrator has enabled and configured a custom catalog for service resources in the portal, you can add registered services to the custom catalog. It should be noted that the same service can be added to different directory structure trees, but in a directory structure tree, the same service can only be added once.

  6. Set the service's meta info:

    iPortal can automatically parse the service's meta-information, such as: tags, description, service reference system (coordinate system and projection type), service identifier (coverage area), service range, service providers, etc., basic information. If some meta-information is not parsed out, you can manually add them. When finish, click "Next";
  7. Set sharing settings:

    The default sharing setting is public search, ie., all the iPortal users (includes the anonymous users) can retrieve the service. You can also set to public view -- all the iPortal users (includes the anonymous users can view the service), private -- all others (except the owner) can't retrieve or access, designated departments (department function is disabled by default)-- the members in designated departments can retrieve and access the service, designated groups -- the members in designated groups can retrieve and access the service, or designated users -- besides the owner, the designated users can also retrieve and access the service. For details, see: Share service.

  8. Click the "Register" button to finish the service registration.


When registering servcie, it will detect whether the service is truly available. If the servcie is not available, registration is not supported. The only difference is that when registering "other" types of service, the servcie online detection can be disabled, which also allows the user to customize the servcie address to be detectd.

The registered service item will be displayed on the Resource Center > Service > My Service page. On the "My Service" page, you can see the service's availability state (the registered services support online/offline dynamic verification, the default update time is 30 minutes. Administrators can modify this configuration item, see: Set update time interval for registered services), view/edit the detailed information, modify the sharing scope, delete the resource, or update service address and meta information.

iPortal also provides SuperMap iServer service batch registration function for the administrators, see: Service batch registration.

Additionally, if the administrator enables the Service Review function (disabled by default), the registered services in iPortal will automatically be in the "Pending Review" state (includes the automatically registered services when published the hosted data as services), and the registration will succeed only when the administrator approves the review. To set sharing settings for an unapproved service will not take effect.



Use the service resources in iPortal

The services (including registered services and hosted services) in iPortal can be used as the data source in built-in WebApps, and can also be called by the user-developed Web GIS system. Specifically: