Modify layer style


DataViz supports modifying layer styles. Including 6 thematic map styles, click the layer to enter the style editing panel, click the picture corresponding to each type to switch the style, and the map will also respond synchronously. After selecting the type, you can modify the color, opacity and other styles of the elements at the bottom of the panel.

For different feature types, the supported thematic map types are also different:

Basic style

Use a uniform style for all features in the layer. After adding a layer, the basic style rendering is used by default, and the spatial distribution of the data can be seen intuitively. Set the layer as the basic style, you can modify: symbol shape or picture, size and other styles, outline style, and label style.

Thematic map

Unique values

Unique value maps can be made based on vector layers of points, lines, and polygons. Features with the same thematic value are grouped into one category, and a rendering style, such as color, is set for each category. It can be used for landform maps, vegetation maps, land use maps, economic zoning maps, etc. For example: for a polygon layer of SuperMap REST Data Service type, after setting the thematic field, select a color band, set the transparency, outline color, outline style, outline width, label field, label style, label font, and also can customize the style of each thematic value.


Range maps are generally used to reflect the number or degree characteristics of continuous distribution phenomena, such as the distribution of precipitation and the distribution of soil erosion intensity. In a range map, the thematic value is divided into multiple ranges according to a certain classification method, and the features are assigned to one of the ranges according to their respective thematic values, and the features in the same range are displayed in the same color. The thematic variables based on the range thematic map are recommended to be numeric.

For example: For the polygon layer whose source is SuperMap REST Data Service, you can make a range thematic map. The range thematic map supports setting thematic fields, segmentation method, number of segments, selecting the color band, and setting the opacity of the polygon, outline color, outline style, outline width, label field, label style, label font, you can also customize the color of the segment, the value range of the custom segment, etc.

Heat map

Through the heat map, a large amount of data can be aggregated and displayed using a progressive color band. The final effect is generally better than the direct display of discrete points. The use of heat maps can visually show the density or frequency of spatial data.

For example, you can create a heat map by uploading a point feature layer added by a file. The heat map supports setting the hotspot color, hotspot radius, weight field, and you can also customize the color of the hotspot.

Rank symbol

According to a certain quantitative characteristic of each feature, a set of grade symbols of different sizes are displayed on the map according to a certain classification method to show the relative relationship between the features. Rank symbol map is mostly used on maps with quantitative characteristics, such as the classification of food production, GDP, population, etc. in different regions. The thematic variables on which the graduated symbols map is based are recommended to be numeric.

The rank symbol map supports setting thematic fields, segmentation method, number of segments, symbol style, symbol outline, label field, label style, etc.


The migration map can show the migration path of the features according to the start and end information, and it can also dynamically show the movement process of the features by turning on the animation effect. Migration diagrams are mostly used to show the route, trajectory and movement process of the route. To make a migration map, the data attributes must include the start point field and the end point field.

Custom of point and line symbols

You can extend custom point symbols in vector and image types, it can be applied to the point layer styles of Base, Unique, Rank Symbol. You can extend colors, widths, opacity and cap styles of line symbols, it can be applied to the line layer styles of Base. The operation of defining sets of point and line symbols can be seen: DataViz WebApp extension process.

There is an extension example of line symbol set about transportation in vector layer styles, including line styles of railway, provincial highway, national highway and others. You can use it in Base style in the line layer panel.


Marker layer style

Click on the right side of the label layer, select "Layer Style" in the drop-down box to open the "Style" dialog box and set the styles for all point, line and polygon features in the current layer. This operation will be applied to all features in the layer. You can also select a single feature on the map. In the pop-up "Attribute Editing" dialog box, click the "Change Symbol" option to modify the style of the selected feature. At this time, the modified style is only for the feature, not apply to the entire layer. When you need to apply to other features, check "Apply all" in the upper right corner.


There are two ways to define point feature styles, including: Use symbol and Use style.

For the point features in the layer, a symbol library of point icons is provided. You can choose the size, color, and small icons representing different purposes for the point symbols according to your needs.

You can also upload a customized icon as a point symbol, and you can also adjust the size of the icon.

  1. Radius: To adjust the size of the circle, you can move the point radius slider to the left (smaller) or right (larger), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  2. Color: The fill color of the circle.
  3. Opacity: The opacity at which the circle will be drawn. You can move the slider to the left (decrease opacity) or right (increase opacity), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  4. Outline color: The outline color of the circle.
  5. Outline opacityz: The opacity of the circle's outline.You can move the slider to the left (decrease opacity) or right (increase opacity), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  6. Outline width: The width of the circle's outline. You can move the width slider to the left (to thinner) or to the right (to thicker), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.


You can define the style of line features in the following ways:

  1. Color: The color with which the line will be drawn.
  2. Opacity: The opacity at which the line will be drawn. You can move the slider to the left (decrease opacity) or right (increase opacity), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  3. Width: Thickness. You can move the width slider to the left (to thinner) or to the right (to thicker), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  4. Line cap: The display of line endings.
  5. Style: Solid or dashed lines.


You can define the style of polygon features in the following ways:

  1. Color: The color with which the polygon will be drawn
  2. Opacity: The opacity of the entire fill layer. You can move the slider to the left (decrease opacity) or right (increase opacity), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  3. Outline color: The outline color of the fill.
  4. Outline opacity: The opacity of the fill's outline. You can move the slider to the left (decrease opacity) or right (increase opacity), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  5. Outline width: The width of the fill's outline. You can move the width slider to the left (to thinner) or to the right (to thicker), or you can click the number next to the slider and enter a precise value.
  6. Outline style: Set the outline to be solid or dashed.