Add layers


After selecting the basemap, in the "Layer" tab, you can add layers according to your specific needs, such as: add from files, add from search, add from web, you can also create a mark layer, and then draw marks.

Add From File

You can add data to the map by uploading a file. Currently, it supports uploading of delimited text files (*.csv), Excel files (*.xlsx or *.xls), GeoJSON files (*.geojson, *.json), and Shapefile data compressed into zip packages. The uploaded files must be UTF-8 encoded, and the CSV format files also support GBK encoding.

  1. Click the "Add layer" button, select "Add From File", you can add data files in the following three ways:
  2. Specify parameters:
  3. Finally, click the "Add" button to upload the file and add to the map. Data items that do not meet the requirements will be automatically filtered out.

    Note: DataViz supports geographic coordinate conversion. If the coordinate system of the uploaded data file is inconsistent with the coordinate system of the target basemap, the coordinate system of the data will be automatically converted so that the data can be correctly displayed on the map. Currently, the file source projections that support dynamic projection include: EPSG Code: 4326, EPSG Code: 3857. For the introduction of EPSG Code, please refer to: EPSG Code supported by SuperMap.

Add From Search

You can add Map services and Data services available in the portal, including services that are uploaded and published in the portal, or registered. After adding the REST data service, you can thematic maps thematic maps.

In the "Add From Search" tab, a list of REST Map services and Data services in the portal will be displayed. You can check the services that need to be added in batches, or add them one by one.  Clicking on a service will display a list of datasets contained in the service. Click the service name in the "Select dataset" tab to preview it.

Add From Web

In the "Add From Web" tab, you need to select the service type and input the service address.

Support to add iServer REST Map services, Data services, Datflow services, OGC WMS and WMTS, online GeoJSON data:

Example: Add SuperMap REST Data service

  1. Select the "Add From Web" tab, select the type "SuperMap REST Data Service"

  2. Enter a valid service url in the following format:

For example:

After the data service is added, you can edit the style of the layer, please see: Modify layer style.

Add Marker Layer

Click the "Add Layer" tab and select "Add Marker Layer" to create a new mark layer.

Supports adding points, lines, surfaces, circles, ellipses, rectangles, hexagons, text, and Bezier curves. The specific adding process is as follows:

  1. Select the type of marker layer you need to add, and move the mouse to the map to start drawing

  2. After drawing, click the mark to edit in the edit pop-up window:

After adding layers, you can modify the style of the layer, and proceed to the next step as needed. For details, see: Layer settings, Map settings, Controls usage, Attribute table query and editing, Output results.