Managing MapDashboards


SuperMap iPortal provides the following MapDashboard management functions:

Log in to iPortal as an administrator, click Management> Resources Management> MapDashboards, then you can uniformly manage all the dashboards created by different users.

Create dashboards

On the MapDashboards management page, click the "Create MapDashboard" button to enter the MapDashboard WebApp page and start creating a 2D and 3D map application. For the use of the MapDashboard WebApp, please refer to: MapDashboard WebApp.

Manage dashboards

View/Edit basic dashboard Infos

Click one specified dashboard, the detailed info page will appear, click the "Edit Attributes" button at the right bottom page, you can replace the thumbnail and edit the dashboard application name, tags and description.

Rename dashboards

You can rename a dashboards name. Move the mouse to the target dashboards name, click the button that appears, the dashboards name will be in the editing state. After editing, click any blank position to exit the editing operation.

Delete dashboards

Check one or multiple dashboards and click the "Delete" button to remove the dashboards you don't need anymore.

Search dashboards

Search the dashboard you want to find by inputting the dashboard name or owner in the input box on the right bottom page.

Modify the sharing scope of dashboards

On the MapDashboards management page, check one or more dashboards, and click the "Share" button to modify the sharing permissions of dashboards in batches. The supported sharing scopes include:

If you have selected multiple dashboards with the same authorized sharing scope, when you click "Share", you can view their current sharing scopes; if the sharing scopes are different, you cannot view them, but you can still authorize the selected dashboards in bulk. After authorization, these dashboards have the same sharing scope.

Set as featured dashboards

On the MapDashboards management page, click the button in the "Set as Featured" column to mark the corresponding dashboard as a Featured dashboard. When displaying featured dashboards in the Resource Center, it will carry the corresponding featured logos, so that portal members can quickly access the featured resources. Note: Dashboard resources with private permissions can't be set as featured resources.