Resource Center customization


Customize filters

The filters on the left panel of the Rsource Center support customization, including: the resource type filter, type filter, directory filter, and tag filter. Among them, the directory filter requires to enable the custom directory function and set the corresponding directory structure tree before it can be displayed on the Resource Center page. Filter customization supports show/hide, modifying filter name and drag to adjust the display order.

After logging in to iPortal as an administrator, enter Management> Site Configuration> Site customization page, and click on the "Resource Center" on the left to perform the following operations:

After the customization is complete, click Save and enter Home> Resource Center to view the customization effect on the left sidebar.

iPortal also supports customizing the Resource Center filters via modifying the configuration file. You can modify the %SuperMap_iPortal_HOME%/webapps/iportal/resources/web-ui/config/ResourceCenterPage.json file for customization before starting iPortal for the first time. The file example is as follows :


    "aside": [


            "key": "resourceType",

            "name": "resourceType",

            "show": true,

            "items": [


                    "name": "map",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "service",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "scene",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "data",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "insights",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "mapdashboard",

                    "show": true



                    "name": "notebook",

                    "show": true








            "querySubDirResource": false












