Hosted data storage configuration


SuperMap iPortal 11i(2023) provides the administrator the visual hosted data storage configuration page. To configure the hosted data storage, log in to the portal home page, click Management > Server Management > Hosting Server> Hosted Data Configuration to operate. The hosted data storage supports binary storage and relational storage. This section below will introduce in detail how to configure the hosted data storage.

Binary storage

Binary storage methods include file storage (FILE), FTP storage, and SuperMap iServer DataStore storage. File storage (FILE) is used by default.

File storage (FILE) configuration

The data uploaded to the iPortal uses file storage (FILE) by default, and the default storage path is: [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]/webapps/iportal/WEB-INF/iportaldata/uploadeddata folder. You can modify the storage path as needed, or use the default storage path directly. The supported hosting server version for file storage is SuperMap iServer 7C SP1 and above. The following will detail how to modify the data storage path:

  1. Log in to the portal home page as an iPortal administrator, click Management > Server Management > Hosting Server> Hosted Data Configuration, and set the file storage path in the "Binary Storage Configuration" tab;

  2. Storage: Select FILE;

  3. File Path: Fill in the storage path, for example: D:/uploadeddata;

After completing the above configuration, you can click the "Validate" button to verify it. If the configuration is valid, the system will give a prompt message like: "The settings are valid and you can connect to the data storage server". After the validation, click the "Save" button to finish.

FTP storage configuration

SuperMap iPortal supports hosted data sharing through FTP server. The data files uploaded to the portal are supported to store in the FTP server, to realize the data sharing between iPortal and multiple iServer server nodes, and be obtained by designated hosting iServer for service publishing.

Build an FTP server to share hosted data

If you don't have an available FTP server, then you need to set up one as shared storage for the hosted data, which should have large storage, and the iPortal and iServer nodes can connect to it.

Here we take win7 system as an example to introduce how to build an FTP server:

  1. Click Start Menu ->Control Panel->Programs->Turn Windows features on or off, check Internet Information Services and expand, check FTP server and expand, check FTP Service and FTP expansibility, check the IIS Management Console of Web Management Tools, click OK.
  2. After the system has automatically configured successfully , input "IIS" in the start screen search bar, then click Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager.
  3. In the Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager panel, right click Sites on the left panel, select Add FTP Site..., then fill information of the site by the tips, such as FTP site name and Content Directory.
  4. Click next to enter Binding and SSL Settings panel, input the IP Address of this server, to make sure  iPortal and nodes of iServer could connect. The deault port is 21. Then check Start FTP site automatically, select No SSL or Require SSL for SSL.
  5. Click next to set Authentication and Authorization Information, check Basic for Authentication. In Authorization panel, set one option for Allow access to on demand,check Read and Write for Permissions in sense that allow users upload data to FTP server.
  6. Click finish, then your FTP site will be displayed in the left column under Sites.
  7. Check wether it works by inputting the "ftp://" in the address bar of your browser.

Configure FTP storage in iPortal

After setting up the FTP server, you also need to perform the following FTP storage configuration in iPortal:

  1. Log in to the portal homepage as an iPortal administrator, click Management > Server Management > Hosting Server> Hosted Data Configuration, and set the FTP hosted data storage configuration in the "Binary Storage Configuration" tab;

  2. Storage Method: Select FTP.
  3. Host Address: Set the available FTP server IP address or domain name, such as IP address: "". Please make sure that the iPortal and multiple hosting iServer nodes can connect to the FTP server.
  4. Port: Set FTP server port number. The default value is 21.
  5. User name: Set FTP server user name.
  6. Password: Set FTP server password.
  7. Storage root path: Set the directory path of the data uploaded to FTP, for example, iPortal_data, representing that the host data will be stored in the [FTP physical path root address]/iPortal_data directory.

After completing the above configuration, you can click the "Validate" button to verify it. If the configuration is valid, the system will give a prompt message like: "The settings are valid and you can connect to the data storage server". After the validation, click the "Save" button to finish.

Note: If you're using SuperMap iPortal 8C SP2, and the specified hosting server is SuperMap iServer 8C or 8C SP1, after completing the above FTP storage configuration, you also need to perform the compatibility configuration:

Manually modify the configuration file iportal-storage.xml of the hosting iServer used to publish services, which locates in the [SuperMap iServer installation directory]/webapps/iserver/WEB-INF directory. Comment off or delete the item for setting storage disk root directory shown as the following code:

<bean id="storage" class="com.supermap.iportal.web.utils.filestorage.FileStorageImpl">

<property name="basePath" value="./WEB-INF/iportaldata/uploadeddata"></property>


Open the comment of the FTP storage configuration information, set the FTP address, port, and access account and password, which must be consistent with the configuration information on the "Hosted Data Storage Configuration" page. For example:

<bean id="storage" class="com.supermap.iportal.web.utils.filestorage.FTPStorageImpl">

<property name="ftpServerHost" value=""></property>

<property name="ftpServerPort" value="21"></property>

<property name="ftpServerAccount" value="icloud"></property>

<property name="ftpServerPassword" value="icloud"></property>


DataStore storage configuration

The data uploaded to the iPortal supports storing in the iServer DataStore in binary format. iServer DataStore is an application that needs to be associated with SuperMap iServer. Therefore, before enabling DataStore storage, please make sure that you have configured the iServer server associated with the DataStore. For the specific configuration process of iServer DataStore, please refer to: DataStore Configuration and Management. After the iServer DataStore is configured and started successfully, the following configuration needs to be done in iPortal.

  1. Log in to the portal homepage as an iPortal administrator, click Management > Server Management > Hosting Server> Hosted Data Configuration, and set the DataStore hosted data storage configuration in the "Binary Storage Configuration" tab;

  2. Storage Method: select DATASTORE;

  3. iServer address: Fill in the service address of the iServer associated with the DataStore, for example: http://{ip}:8090/iserver;

  4. iServer Manager Account: Fill in the administrator username of the iServer that is associated with the DataStore;

  5. iServer Manager Password: Fill in the administrator password of the iServer that is associated with the DataStore.

After completing the above configuration, you can click the "Validate" button to verify it. If the configuration is valid, the system will give a prompt message like: "The settings are valid and you can connect to the data storage server". After the validation, click the "Save" button to finish.

Relational storage

SuperMap iPortal 9D (2019) and later support relational storage. After the relational storage is enabled, the uploaded Excel, CSV, GeoJSON and other data can be published as services. For the service types that can be published, please refer to the data. And at this time, the data will be stored in relational storage preferentially. But note that, before enabling relational storage, please make sure that your hosting iServer has been associated with the iServer DataStore (you need to check the “relational data” option when associating), or you have registered HBase, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, HDFS and other spatial databases in the hosting iServer(you need to check the "Allow Editing" option when registering).

The following will introduce in detail how to configure relational storage in iPortal:

  1. Log in to the portal homepage as an iPortal administrator, click Management > Server Management > Hosting Server> Hosted Data Configuration, and set the relational storage configuration in the "Relational Storage Configuration" tab;

  2. Is cloud native: Whether the iServer that provides relational data storage capability is a cloud native environment.

  3. iServer address: Fill in the service address of the iServer associated with the DataStore, for example: http://{ip}:8090/iserver;

  4. iServer Manager Account: Fill in the administrator username of the iServer that provides relational data storage capabilities;

  5. iServer Manager Password: Fill in the administrator password of the iServer that provides relational data storage capabilities.

After completing the above configuration, you can click the "Validate" button to verify it. If the configuration is valid, the system will give a prompt message like: "The settings are valid and you can connect to the data storage server". After the validation, click the "Save" button to finish.


After configuring the hosted data storage, the users of iPortal can upload data on the "My Data" page. If the uploaded data needs to be published as services, you also need to specify one or more GIS servers added in iPortal as hosting servers on the "Add server" page.

Note: After you change the file storage path, FTP server, or DataStore storage, the uploaded data will not appear in the portal. Please carefully change the file storage path, FTP server, and DataStore storage.