Service proxy overview


SuperMap iPortal provides the service proxy for you to uniformly control the permissions of the multi-source GIS servicesof iPortal.

Why use the service proxy?

GIS portals are used to integrate multiple source GIS services and provide users with a unified GIS service access entry. Access control is an important technical basis for the construction of GIS Portals. The common implementation method is to grant users access to the corresponding GIS services through an authorization mechanism. While the disadvantage is that the original service address is not hidden, that is, the user can access the service directly, authorization control is invalid. So service proxy is designed to solve this problem.

Characteristics of SuperMap iPortal service proxy

The service proxy developed by SuperMap iPortal is based on the idea of proxy technology.  Authorized users can only access the proxied service address since the original service address is hidden by the service proxy. By using service proxy, iPortal can provide a unified access root address for registered services to have a better control over multiple source GIS services.

The service proxy function of SuperMap iPortal supports proxying of registered or managed GIS services and provides a unified proxy service root address to facilitate the unified use, management and maintenance of multi-source GIS services.

Among the registered services, SuperMap REST services, OGC services (WMS, WMTS, WFS, WCS, WPS), and ArcGIS REST services all support the service proxy, while the "other services" type does not support the service proxy.

SuperMap iPortal service proxy configuration

SuperMap iPortal provides the following two ways to configure service proxy:

SuperMap iPortal built-in service proxy fits for small portal applications. The configuration steps are simple, for details, see: SuperMap iPortal built-in service proxy configuration.

SuperMap iPortal provides an independent service proxy package to proxy registered services. For detailed configuration, see: Independent deployment of the service proxy. Independent deployment fits for large portal applications, and has the following advantages:

  1. Restarting service proxy doesn't affect iPortal service since they are deployed separately.
  2. Easy to scale out service proxy to fit for needs of higher load balancing ability to support more concurrent access.