E-mail notification configuraiton


The mail notification feature is provided by SuperMap iPortal to obtain the results of a user registration audit. The mail notification function is used in conjunction with the user registration and audit function. If you have turned on the user registration and audit function, and configured the user registration mailbox, turned on the mail notification function, then you need to configure the mail server. If all the above aspects have been configured, users will be prompted that their registration is waiting for audit. Moreover, users will be notified whether their registration is passed or rejected. Registered users need to be approved by an administrator.

Configure Mail Server

Log into Home->Manage->Site Configuration->Online Mapping as an administrator, click the Mail Notification tab.

  1. SMTP address: Set the address (domain name or IP) of the server where the email is sent, for example: rdc.supermap.com
  2. SMTP port: Set the address of the server wheere the email is sent, for example: 25
  3. Security protocol: Set up the security protocols supported by the server where the email is sent, including SSL, STARTTLS. If you do not use encrypted transmission, you can choose None
  4. Sender's mailbox address: Set the sender's mailbox address, for example: manager@rdc.supermap.com
  5. Sender display Name: Set the sender's display name, such as SuperMap Software. If not set, the mailbox address will be regarded as the sender name
  6. User account: Set the sender's mailbox account, for example: Manager
  7. User password: Set the sender's mailbox password. If you are using a third-party mail server, such as: QQ mailbox, 163 mailbox, etc., you need to obtain authorization code and turn on the SMTP function, and here you should fill in the authorization code

After the above configuration, you can click the "Verify validity" button. If the configuration is valid, the system will send to the sender's mailbox a message to test validity, and give the message: "Verification success". You can then click the "Save" button.

Customize Mail Notification Content

The content of the validity test email sent by iPortal SMTP Server and audit results sent to the registered users by iPortal can be customized.

Chinese and English templates are offered. zh_CN.ftl is Chinese template and *.ftl is English template. iPortal will automatically select the corresponding language mail template according to the system locale of the server.

You can customize the email content by customizing the template file.

  1. Copy the email content template to the specified directory

Copy userAuditResultEmail_zh_CN.ftl (userAuditResultEmail.ftl) and smtpValidCheckEmail_zh_CN.ftl (smtpValidCheckEmail.ftl) in [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF\lib\iportal-all-*.jar\templates to [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF\classes\templates (if classes\templates not exists, please ceate one manually).

  1. Modify copied file and customize email notification content

Where the <title> label indicates the subject of the message, the <body> label indicates the content of the email. You can modify it based on the actual requirements.