Roles management


The "Roles Management" page allows you to view and manage all roles in SuperMap iPortal. SuperMap iPortal provides ADMIN, PORTAL_USER, PORTAL_VIEWER, and other built-in roles by default, which are used to meet basic portal construction requirements. At the same time, iPortal supports adding various custom roles, and you can grant them different permissions respectively to achieve fine-grained permission control.

Log in to the portal homepage as a portal administrator, and click Management > Security > Roles Management to enter the role management page:

Add a role

Steps to add a new custom role:

  1. Click "Add role", and in the Add New Role dialog box, enter the following information:
  1. Assign permissions to the role. In the permission list, check the permissions to be granted to the newly created role. The iPortal permissions can be divided into normal permissions and management permissions, as shown in the attached table at the end of this page.
  2. Click the "Add" button to complete the role addition

After creating a new role, you can associate it with a specific user on the "User Management" page, and the user associated with this role will have the corresponding portal permissions.

If you want to manage portal resources and users according to the organizational structure, please refer to Configuration and Use of Organizational Structure.

Delete a role

Steps to delete unwanted roles:

  1. Find the role you want to delete, check it, and click "Delete role"
  2. Click "Yes" in the confirmation dialog that pops up

After the role is deleted, the corresponding relationship with the user is released.

Note: iPortal built-in roles cannot be deleted.

Edit a role

Steps to modify a role's description or reassign permissions to a role:

  1. Find the role that needs to be modified, click the role name to enter the role information editing page, you can modify the required information, such as the description of the role, but you cannot modify the role name.
  2. If you need to change the permissions of the current role, re-check the permissions assigned to the role in the permission list.
  3. After editing the role-related information, click "Save" to make the changes take effect.

Note: Permissions of iPortal built-in roles cannot be edited.。


Tabel 1 Normal permissions for iPortal built-in roles

Module Permissions iPortal built-in roles






Register, update, delete services


View all allowed services

Create, update, delete maps


View all allowed maps

View all allowed scenes

Create, update, delete scenes


Upload, update, delete data



Publish services



View/Download all allowed data

Create, update, delete projects


View all allowed projects

Create, update, delete datainsights


View all allowed datainsights

Create, udpate, delete mapdashboards


View all allowed mapdashboards

Apply for access to resources

Create, update, delete Notebooks


View all allowed Notebooks


Create, update, delete groups


Join groups

View public groups


Share maps


Share services


Share scenes


Share data



Share projects


Share datainsights


Share mapdashboards


Share Notebooks


My account

Receive all resource access applications


Create keys

Add credentials


Only when the reviewer of resource authorization in the iPortal.xml configuration file is set to "ADMIN_AND_OWNER", the administrator can assign the "My Account" > "Receive all resource access applications" permission to a role in the general permissions.


Table 2 Management permissions for iPortal built-in roles

Module Permissions iPortal built-in roles





Resource management

Update, delete maps




View all maps




Share maps




Map review




Update, delete services




View all services




Add services in batch




Share services




Service review




Update,delete scenes




View all scenes




Share scenes




Update, delete data




View all data

Share data

Register, update, delete projects

View all projects

Share projects

Update, delete mapdashboards

View all mapdashbaords

Share mapdashboards

Update, delete sataInsights

View all dataInsights

Share dataInsights

Update, delete Notebooks

View all Notebooks

Share Notebooks


Site Config

Site Customization




Supporting Service




Basemap Configuration


Apps Permissions














Service Preview


Default thumbnail




Directory management




Register management




Email notifier




Metadata Customization


Portal statistics

Portal statistics


Server management

Add, edit, delete servers


View all servers


Hosted data configuration


View hosted servers


Monitoring configuration


Use monitoring


View realtime monitoring


Alarm rules


View exception



System logs


Operation logs


Log configuration



GIS service security


Security info storage


Session info management


User password security setting


enable, disable group


Update, delete group


View all groups




Update user data capacity


User review


Add User


Update user


Delete user


View all users


User group management




Add, update, delete role




View all roles




CAS Configuration




Keycloak Configuration




LDAP Configuration




Third-party Configuration


Delete Keys




Check and delete key quota applications




Update the WebApps achievement limits


Update the quantity limit of published services



Resources Recovery Regularly





Only portal administrators can add roles and create users. Other administrators cannot do this even if they have been granted the corresponding permissions.