Configuring and using organizational structure


Start from SuperMap iPortal 8C SP2, organizational structure is provided for supporting managing resources by department, that is, each department administrator in the organization can manage the resources in his department. By using organizational structure, the resource management becomes easier and the management efficiency is highly improved.

The organizational structure is disabled by default. To use it, follow this configuration flow: 1. enable organizational structure; 2. configure organizational structure; 3. authorize permissions to department administrator.

Enable/Disable organizational structure

To enable/disable organizational structure, use one of the following two ways:

  1. Log in to iPortal with your administrator account, go to Management>Security>Departments, click the Enable/Disable on the page.
  2. Find and open iPortal.xml in [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF folder, find sub-node <departmentSetting>, set the value of <enable> to true/false. For details, see: iPortal configuration introduction.

After enabling organizational structure, all the resources and users in your organization are managed by department. One iPortal site can only have one organizational structure.

Members of an organization and the division of permissions

Permission Portal administrator Department administrator Department member
with PORTAL_USER role with PORTAL_VIEWER role
Organizational structure configuration

√ (Need to be granted with organizational structure permissions)



Management module authorization




Create user




Manage resources and users of the entire organization




Manage resources and users of my own organization

√ (Need to be granted with resource management and user management permissions)



Manage my own resources


Create maps


Register services


Upload data and publish as hosted services

√ (need to possess DATA_CENTER role)

√ (need to possess DATA_CENTER role)


Register projects

√(need to be granted with project administrative permissions, please refer to management module authorization)

√(need to be granted with project administrative permissions, please refer to management module authorization)  
Share resources

Use AppBuilder

Use DataInsights

√ (need to possess DATA_CENTER role)

√ (need to possess DATA_CENTER role)

Edit resources

Create groups

Join group

Download data

Use resources

Receive portal messages

Modify personal information

View my application

Organizational structure configuration

Organizational structure configuration support the following operations. Before configuration, navigate to Management>Security>Departments page.

Add department

iPortal has an "Unnamed Organization" by default. You can edit it to your organization's name. Under your organization, you can add departments, sub-departments inside your organization.

To add a department under your organization/a specific parent department, select your organization/a specific department on the left side, click "Add Department" on right, input the new department's name on the popup, input the department's order if you need (ordered by created time by default), then click "OK" to finish adding. For details about department sorting, see: department sorting.

Edit department name

Select your organization/a specific department on the left side, click "Edit Department" on right, input the new name of your organization/department on the popup, input the department's order if you need (ordered by created time by default), then click "OK" to finish editing.

Delete department

Select a specific eliminated department on the left side, click "Delete Department" on right, click "OK" to finish deletion. Note, all the sub-departments, members of the department/subdepartments will be removed too. Users still exist in your portal site.

Sort departments

Departments in the organizational structure supports to sort ascending/descending by created time, department name, department order. By default, sorting by created time is used. You can configure to use one of the other two sorting ways. Go to find and open iportal.xml in [SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\web-inf folder, find <departmentSetting>. For details, see: iPortal configuration file introduction.

Move department to

Select the department needs to be changed on left side, click "Move department to", select the target department on the popup, click "OK" to finish department adjusting. All the subdepartments will be moved to the target department too.

Add department administrator

To add administrators for a department, click the department name on left side, on the right in "Department administrator" section click "Add", a "Add department administrator" popup will appear. On the popup, you can choose specific users in the list, or search to select and add users to right panel. After finish, click "OK" to take effect. A department can have multiple administrators. A user can manage multiple departments.

Remove department administrator

Check the checkboxes in front of specific administrators' name, click "Remove", on the popup, click "Confirm" to take effect. The removed administrators still exist in your portal site.

Add department member

To add members to a specific department, click the department name on left side, on the right in "Department members" section click "Add", a "Add department members" popup will appear. How to select users and add users on the panel is the same with how to add department administrators. A member can only belong to one department. A department administrator can manage one department no matter if he is a member of the department or not.

Remove department members

Check the checkboxes in front of specific members' name, click "Remove", on the popup, click "Confirm" to take effect. The removed members still exist in your portal site.

Authorizing for departmental administrator

Before departments' administrators can perform management operations, you need to assign them with permissions of organizational structure, resource management, and user management. For how to perform authorization, please refer to Management Module Authorization.

Use organizational structure

After the above operations, all the new added department administrators can manage the organizational structure, resources, and users of their own department.

Organizational structure management

Department administrators granted with permissions of organizational structure can manage the structure of their own department and subdepartments. See: Organizational structure configuration.

Resource management

Department administrators granted with permissions of resource management can manage all the resources of their own department and subdepartments being added in iPortal, such as: created maps, registered/hosted services, uploaded data, etc.

Specific steps:

Log in to iPortal with your department administrator account, go to Management>Resource Management, view or manage resources inside your department and subdepartments.

Resource audit

Department administrators granted with permissions of map/service resource management can audit the maps added, created, and services registered by department members (map, service auditing features are off by default. Portal administrator need to turn on it in the iportal.xml configuration file).

Sharing resource management

Department administrators can go to My Center>My Department to manage all the resources that have been shared to the department without authorization. Sharing resources to other departments is disabled by default. You can enable it in iportal.xml configuration file.

User management

Department administrators who have been granted with user administrative rights can manage all members of the department, delete users, and edit user information.

Specific operations:

Log in to iPortal with your department administrator's account, enter Management>Security>Users to view and manage the members of your department.

Note: While changing a user role, you can associate the DATA_CENTER role for a department member, which allows users to upload data to the portal and publish data as a hosted service.

User audit

Department administrators who have been granted with the user administrative rights can audit the users registered to the department/sub-departments. For details, see: User audit. The user audit function and the feature for selecting department while registering an account are disabled by default. The administrator needs to enable it in iportal.xml configuration file.
