Login verification code settings


To protect the user's account security and maintain the normal operation of the portal site system, SuperMap iPortal provides a login verification code function. After enabling the login verification code function, users need to enter the verification code corresponding to the picture when logging in to iPortal to avoid password cracking and malicious login.

The iPortal administrator can enable the login verification code function and perform related configurations under the <SecuritySetting> node in the iserver-system.xml file in the %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/webapps/iportal/WEB-INF directory.




        <captchaConfig><!-- Verification code configuration -->

            <enable>false</enable><!-- Whether to enable verification code -->


            <length>4</length><!-- Verification code length -->

            <expireInSeconds>120</expireInSeconds><!-- Verification code expiration time (unit: seconds) -->




In the above setting, <captchaConfig> is the login verification code configuration node. The specific configuration items are as follows: