DataViz WebApp extension development open API



Used to add an iServer RESTMAP service as a tiled layer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addTileLayer(layerInfo, url, token, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The layerinfo object contains:
id: The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name: The layer name
Example: {id: 11, name: 'tiled layer'}
url string


The iServer RESTMAP service address. The url needs to be filled into the map name level
token string [Optional]
The token of the service. If the service is private, token is required to pass.
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.



Used to add an iServer RESTDATA service as a vector layer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addVectorLayerFromUrl(layerInfo, url, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The layerinfo object contains:
id: The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name: The layer name
Example: {id: 11, name: vector layer'}
url string [Required]
The iServer RESTDATA service address. The url needs to be filled into the dataset name level
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.



Used to add data in geojson format as a vector layer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addVectorLayerFromJSON(layerInfo, geojson, projection, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The layerinfo object contains:
id: The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name: The layer name
Example: {id: 11, name: vector layer'}
geojson geojson [Required]
The standard geojson format data
projection string [Required]
The coordinate system of the geojson data.
Example: EPSG:4326
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.



Used to add an iServer RESTDATA service as a marker layer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addMarkerLayerFromUrl(layerInfo, url, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The layerinfo object contains:
id: The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name: The layer name
Example: {id: 11, name: marker layer'}
url string [Required]
The iServer RESTDATA service address. The url needs to be filled into the dataset name level
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.



Used to add data in geojson format as a marker layer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addMarkerLayerFromJSON(layerInfo, geojson, projection, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The layerinfo object contains:
id: The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name: The layer name
Example: {id: 11, name: marker layer'}
geojson geojson [Required]
The standard geojson format data
projection string [Required]
The coordinate system of the geojson data.
Example: EPSG:4326
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.



Used to add a WMTSLayer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addWMTSLayer(layerInfo, projection, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [Required]
The layer information.
The parameters of layerinfo object are described in the table below.
projection string [Required]
The coordinate system of the layer to add. The value should be consistent with the baselayer.
Example: EPSG:4326
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.


The paramters of the layerInfo object:

Parameter Type Description
id string、number [Required]
The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name string [Required]
The layer name.
url string [Required]
The WMTS service address. The address should comply with OGC specifications.
layer string [Required]
The layer name in the WMTS service.
tileMatrixSet string [Required]
The tile matrix set corresponding to the layer in the WMTS service.
requestEncoding string [Optional]
The WMTS service access mode. Two access modes are available: HTTP KVP(key-Value Pair)or REST. KVP is used by default.



Used to add a WMSLayer on the map.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().addWMSLayer(layerInfo, addLayerCallback)


Parameter Type Description
layerInfo object [[Required]
The layer information.
The parameters of layerinfo object are described in the table below.
addLayerCallback Function [Optional]
The callback function. If the layer is added successfully, no value will be returned; if failed, a failure message will be returned.


The paramters of the layerInfo object:

Parameter Type Description
id string、number [Required]
The layer id, can't be set to 1 (if set to 1, the layer will conflict with the basemap)
name string [Required]
The layer name.
url string [Required]
The WMTS service address. The address should comply with OGC specifications.
layers array <string>


The layer list in WMTS service. The first layer in the list is at the bottom, the next layer is placed on top of the previous one, and so on.

The layer name is the value of the <Name> element in the <Layer> element.

projection string [Required]
The coordinate system of the layer to add. The value should be consistent with the baselayer.
Example: EPSG:4326



Used to obtain the service capability document of a specified WMTS service.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().getWMTSCapabilities(url, isKvp)


Parameter Type Description
url string [Required]
The WMTS service address.
isKvp boolean [Required]
The url method of requesting the document. true is kvp mode; false is restful mode.



Used to remove the layer specified with id.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().removeLayerById(layerId)


Parameter Type Description
layerId string、number [Required]
The layer id to be deleted.



Used to get the current map object.


new DataViz.Plugins.DatavizPlugins().getOLMap()


ol.Map object