Managing roles


The Security Module of SuperMap service manager protects GIS service by role-based access control. All the roles in current GIS system can be viewed and managed on Role page under Security. SuperMap GIS server stores all built-inroles.The administrator can add, modify and delete roles on this page, and modify the role by clicking the role name.

Built-in roles

SuperMap GIS server provides built-in roles by default:

     SuperMap GIS server also has a built-in system role for the system administrator account created when the server is initialized, with administrative rights of the entire GIS server and cannot be assigned to other users.

Managing roles

Log in to service manager, enter in to Security>Roles to manage roles.

Add a role

Add a new role into the stored role list:

  1. Click on Add Role , enter the following information in the Adding New Role dialog box:
  1. Select one or more users in the Select from list, click the Add button to associate the user with current role. If there is no registered or newly available user, then associate them after user registration.
  2. Select one or more groups in the Selected user group list.Click the Add button to make this user group associated with the current role. If there isn't available user group, you can associate it after creating the user group.
  3. Click OK  to add this role

Delete a role or roles

Delete unwanted roles:

  1. Find the roles to be deleted, check, click the Delete.
  2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

After the role is deleted, the corresponding relationship between the user and the role is released.

Note: The built-in roles can't be deleted.

Edit a role

Modify role attributes or the associated users:

  1. Find the roles to be modified, enter the roles information editing page after clicking the role name, then you can modify the information you want, but the role name can not be modified.
  2. The role type can be modified, such as "User" or "Service administrator"
  3. The  Select list shows the users who have this role, you can assign this role for users by adding users from Select from list, or release the role for users by removing them from Selected list.
  4. Selected user group list shows the the groups who have this role, you can assign this role for one or more more groups by adding the groups you wanted from the User group to be selected list, and you also can release this role for groups by removing them from the Selected user group list.
  5. The service authorization information of current role can be viewed, including authorized and prohibited services. The Service access authorization information of current role can be modified by clicking Modify.
  6. If the role type is "Service administrator", then the service management function authorization information of current role can be viewed, such as the management rights of every service. The Management function authorization information of current role can be modified by clicking Modify.
  7. click Save to make the changes take effect.