Installation and configuration of MongoDB


MongoDB is a distributed file storage based database, designed to provide scalable, high-performance data storage solution for WEB applications.

MongoDB is a kind of database between relational database and non-relational database, and is the most similar to relational database with the richest functions in all non-relational databases. It supports very loose data structure similar to bson format of json, so as to be able to store complex data type. MongoDB has a very good feature, that is, it supports powerful query language, whose syntax is similar to the object-oriented query language so that MongoDB can achieve most of single-table query functions in relational database, also can support building index for the data. MongoDB stores data in files, and uses memory-mapped file to improve efficiency. MongoDB can run on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X platform, supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications. It is recommend to use 64-bit platform, because the supported maximum file size is 2GB in the 32-bit platform.

In SuperMap iServer, MongoDB is used for map tiles storage, version of MongoDB 2 serial is supported for now, for details please refer to: Distributed tiling service.

For more information about MongoDB, please refer to its official website:




MongoDB uses the following port by default. If the firewall is enabled, please ensure that the port is available: