Publishing FastDFS Tiles


SuperMap iServer supports publishing FastDFS distributively stored tile  as map service directly, such as REST map service, WMS service, WMTS service.

You can quickly publish existing FastDFS tile by the following steps:

  1. In service management "home" clicks quickly publishing a or a group of service, chooses data source as " FastDFS tile", clicks "Next".
  2. Sets FastDFS service address, and there are following two methods:
  1. Chooses the map tile to be published, as a FastDFS service may contains tiles of multiple maps getting by tiling image several times, and same map may contains different versions of tiles, the setting here is: when choosing to publish "all" maps, the latest version of tiles of all maps will be published. When choosing a map, the latest version tile of this map will be published. Clicks "Next".
  2. Chooses the service type to be published, such as REST-map service, clicks "Next".
  3. Can see service configuration information, including data source, service type to be published, clicks" finish" to finish the publishing procedure.
  4. After published, can see the current service name and link, such as map-fastdfs/rest, can access service by clicking. If chooses to publish all maps, the published map service will contain multiple maps.