Publishing iServer REST Map Service


SuperMap iServer supports to publish remote iServer REST Map Service again as WMS services, WMTS services and REST Map Service. You can publish online REST map service in the following steps:

  1. In iServer WebManager, click "Quickly publish services", and select REST map service as the data source:
  2. Input the address of data source, such as http://server:8090/iserver/services/map-world/rest. If the service is not public, you need to input user name and password to access. Click Next;
  3. Select the service type to publish, such as REST-map service. Click Next;
  4. Cache configuration. After enabling the caches, the browsing tiles will be stored in the specified location, such as SMTiles format. Please refer to :Configure the map service through the tiles or Configure the map service component through the XML file for more information. Click Next;
  5. You can see the service configuration, including data source, published types and so on. Click the Finish button;
  6. After finishing publishing, you can see the service name and links, such as map-rest-world/rest. Click to access the service.

The remote REST service you published could be from any location where the iServer service is deployed, you could publish it as long as you can access it.