Publishing ArcGIS REST Feature Service


SuperMap iServer supports to publish ArcGIS REST Feature Service as the data service of iServer, such as: REST data service, WFS service.

Publishing ArcGIS REST Feature Service

You could publish element service of ArcGIS REST by the following steps:

  1. click Quickly publish services  in the service management homepage, select the data source which is ArcGIS REST Feature Service click next.
  2. Input pre-published map service address, for example: http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/sample/FeatureServer, if the input service is not open, it need to be certified, the way of certifying is Token, then enter the obtained Token string, if the obtained Token is generated by HTTP Referer, you need to enter the HTTP Referer value.
  1. Select service type need to be published, for example, REST Data Service, click next.
  1. Set data service if editable, checked means allowed, click next.
  2. You could see service instant information, including data source, published service types and so on, click finish button to finish the publish process.
  3. After being published, you can see the current published service and hyperlink, for example: data-arcgis-sample/rest, you can click directly to visit service.