Publishing ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service


You could publish ArcGIS REST network analysis service by the following steps:

  1. Click "Quick publish services" on iServer Manager homepage, selet "ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service"as the data source, click next.
  2. Input service address for "ArcGIS REST Network Analysis URL", for example: http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/exercise/NAServer .If the service is not public, you need input the "Token" to access it and the "HTTP referer" which is used when applying Token.
  1. Select the network dataset to be published, route analysis layer, service area layer, nearest facilities analysis layer, click next.
  2. Choose the service type need to be published, for example, REST Transportation Analysis Service, click next.
  1. Now you could see service configuration information, including datasource, published service types and so on, click finish button to finish the publish process.
  2. After publishing, you could see the service name and hyperlink, for example: transportationAnalyst-Streets_ND2/rest, you can visit service directly by clicking the link.