Distributing cache data |
After iEdge agents iServer service, it can forward the client's request to iServer, and save the result cache on local for later re-use, so as to speed up for the client accessing. If the map cache is pre-generated in iServer, the map tile can be distributed to iEdge in advance via caching distribution. After iEdge receives the map tiles, it can directly read the map tile and respond to client requests, no need to forward requests to iServer, thereby further enhancing the efficiency of the client to access the map.
In iServer, it can distribute the tiles stored in FastDFS or MongoDB to the proxy node iEdge with the formats like SMTiles, MBTiles, UGCV5, and GDP via the cache distribution module.
To do this, in the iServer web manager, click "Service", "Proxy", "Cache Delivery", then click "Create distribute Task", after setting the parameters click "Create".
With advanced settings, you can set the timing distribution tiles, or periodically updating the distribution tiles.
After you create a task, you can view a list of all the tasks on the Cach distribution page, or stop, start, delete the task that is being executed.
You can also click on the task name to view the details of the task, such as the distributed tile information, the target node and storage type.
iEdge will automatically receive the distributed cache of iServer, such as map tiles, and save it in the cache directory of the agented map service. You can view the cache file currently being used by the current service in the map tile configuration of the iEdge map service component.
The map tile used by the map service defaults to SMTiles, so the map tile after the distribution is also stored in SMTiles by default. If you need to use other storage formats and storage locations to store the distributed tiles, please modify the configuration before the distribution.
For more information about service configuration, refer to: Configuration and management of service instances.