Configuring transportation analyst provider


SuperMap iServer supports the following types of transportation analysis service providers:

Configuring local transportation analysis service provider

Configure a UGC local transportation analysis service provider as below:

<provider class=""
                inner-providerNames="ugcDataProvider-Changchun" name="transportationAnalystProvider-Changchun">
        <config class="">
<directionField>SmResistanceA</directionField> </config> </provider>

Where the class of <provider> identifies the implementation class of the local transportation analysis service provider, the class of <config> identifies the TransportationAnalystSetting, and the content of <config> is its corresponding configuring items:

For parameter introduction, please refer to Configuring Local Transportation Analysis Service Provider.

Configuring REST transportation analysis service provider

Configure a REST transportation analysis service provider as below:

<!--REST transportation analysis service provider-->
<provider class="" name="restSpatialProvider"> 
        <config class="">

Where the class of <provider> identifies the implementation class of the REST transportation analysis service provider, the class of <config> identifies the RestTransportationAnalystProviderSetting, and the content of <config> is its corresponding configuring items:

configuring ArcGIS REST network analysis service provider

configure the network analysis service provider of ArcGIS REST as below:

<provider class="" enabled="true" name="transportationAnalyst-Streets_ND3"> 
      <config class=""> 
        <serviceAreaLayer>Service Area</serviceAreaLayer>  
        <closestFacilityLayer>Closest Facility</closestFacilityLayer> 

class in <provider> identifies the  ArcGIS REST network analysis service providers realization class, class in <config> identifies the  ArcGIS REST network analysis service providers corresponding configuration class, which means content in ArcGISRestNetworkAnalystProviderSetting,<config> is the corresponding configuration item,including: