Configuring map service provider


SuperMap iServer supports the following types of map providers:

Configuring local map service provider

Configure a UGC map service provider as shown below:

<provider name="ugcMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">
                <!-- Whether to disable the expanded query range function -->
               <!-- Set the exclusion fields -->

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  UGC service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of UGC service provider, that is UGCMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  UGCMapProviderSetting as follows:

Where, and are the implementation class for exclusion fields. <mapName> is the map name, <layerName> is the name of dataset, <excludedFields> is the fields you want to exclude.

SuperMap iServer also supports Oracle and SQL Server database workspaces as the service provider. Table1 shows the parameters need to be set. If there are no special instructions, the two types both need these parametesr.

Table 1. The parameters for setting database workspace information

Parameter name Description
type The workspace type. Currently, the supported database workspaces are the Oracle workspace and the SQL Server workspace. Their values are ORACLE and SQL. ORACLE represents that the workspace is saved in the oracle database, And the SQL represents that the workspace is saved in the SQL Server database.
name The name of the workspace in the database.
username The user name used to login database.
password The password used to login database.
server The server name. For the Oracle database, the server name is the TNS server name; For the SQL Server database, the server name is the Database System Name.
database The database name.
driver The driver name when using the ODBC connection. Only SQL Server database uses the ODBC connection, the driver name can be SQL Server or SQL Native Client.
 SQL Server;database=iserver</workspacePath> 

In addition, multiple <provider>can be bound as a whole, namely, as a <providerSet> to provide services to <component>. See Configuring Service Provider Sets through XML File. The structure of <provider> and <providerSet> in the configuration file is shown as follows:


Configuring REST map service provider

The configuration of REST ServiceProvider is in <provider>node:

<provider name="restMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  REST service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of REST service provider, that is RESTMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  RESTMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring SuperMap Cloud map service provider

The configuration of SuperMap Cloud service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown as below:

<provider name="CloudMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the SuperMap Cloud map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of SuperMap Cloud service provider, that is CloudMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of CloudMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring FastDFS map service provider

The configuration of FastDFS service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown as below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="fastDfs"> 
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  FastDFS service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of FastDFS service provider, that is FastDFSTileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of FastDFSTileProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring GDP map service provider

The configuration of GDP map service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration detail is shown as below:

<provider class="" enabled="true" name="gdpMapProvider-"> 
        <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  GDP service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of GDP service provider, that is DPMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of GDPMapProviderSetting as follows:


Configuring MongoDB map service provider

The configuration of MongoDB service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider class="" enabled="true" name="mongoDBMapProvider-China"> 
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  MongoDB service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of MongoDB service provider, that is MongoDBTileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  MongoDBTileProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring MongoDB MVT map service provider

The configuration of MongoDB MVT service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="mongodbMvt-China">
      <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  MongoDB MVT service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of MongoDB MVT service provider, that is MongoDBTileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  MongoDBTileProviderSetting as follows:


Configuring OTS map service provider

The configuration of  OTS service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration detail is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="ots-map"> 
      <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  OTS service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of OTS service provider, that is OTSTileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of OTSTileProviderSetting as follows:


Configuring SMTiles map service provider

 The configuration of SMTiles service provider is in<provider> node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider name="smtilesMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the SMTiles map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of SMTiles map service provider, that is SMTilesMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  SMTilesMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring SVTiles map service provider

 The configuration of SVTiles service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider name="svtilesMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  SVTiles map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of SVTiles map service provider, that is SVTilesMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  SVTilesMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring UGCV5 map service provider

The configuration of UGCV5 service provider is in <provider>node.The configuration detail is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="ugcv5-China"> 
      <config class="">
          <fontStyle>Microsoft YaHei</fontStyle>  

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the UGCV5 service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of UGCV5 service provider, that is UGCV5TileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of UGCV5TileProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring WMS map service provider

The configuration of WMS service provider is in <provider>node:

<!-- WMS map service provider example, using remote WMS service as data source.-->
<provider name="wmsMapProvider" class="">
        <config class="">
<reverseLayerOrder>false</reverseLayerOrder> </config> </provider>

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the WMS service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of WMS service provider, that is WMSMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of WMSMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring WMTS Map Service Provider

The configuration of WMTS service provider is in <provider>node:

<!-- WMTS map service provider example, using remote WMTS service as data source.-->
<provider name="wmtsMapProvider" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  WMTS service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of WMTS service provider, that is WMTSMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of WMTSMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring Bing Maps map service provider

The configuration of Bing Maps service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider name="BingMapsMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  Bing Maps service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of Bing Maps service provider, that is BingMapsMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of BingMapsMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring Google Maps map service provider

The configuration of Google map service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider class="" enabled="true" name="googlemap"> 
  <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  Google map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of Google service provider, that is GoogleMapsMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  GoogleMapsMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring BaiduMap map service provider

The configuration of BaiduMap map service provider is in<provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider name="baiduMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the BaiduMap map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of BaiduMap map service provider, that is BaiduMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of BaiduMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring OpenStreetMap map service provider

The configuration of OpenStreetMap map service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration detail is shown below:

<provider name="openStreetMapProvider1" class="">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  OpenStreetMap map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of OpenStreetMap service provider, that is OpenStreetMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  OpenStreetMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring Tianditu map service provider

The configuration of MapWorld service provider is in<provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below.

<provider class="" enabled="true" name="tiandituMapProvider1">
        <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  Tianditu service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of Tianditu service provider, that is TiandituMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of TiandituMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring ArcGIS REST map service provider

The configuration of ArcGIS REST Service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below.

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="arcgis-Countries2"> 
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  ArcGIS REST map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of ArcGIS REST map service provider, that is ArcGISRestMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of ArcGISRestMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring TPK map service provider

The configuration of TPK service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration method is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="tpk-map1"> 
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  TPK map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of TPK map service provider, that is TPKMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of TPKMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring GeoPackage map service provider

The configuration of GeoPackage service provider is in<provider>node. The configuration method is shown below:

 <provider class="" enabled="true" name="gpkgMap-map"> 
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  GeoPackage map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of GeoPackage map service provider, that is GeoPackageMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of GeoPackageMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring ZXYTiles map service provider

The configuration of ZXYTiles service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration method is shown below:

     <provider class="" enabled="true" name="zxytest">
      <config class="">

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  ZXYTiles map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of ZXYTiles map service provider, that is ZXYTilesMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  ZXYTilesMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring ArcGIS cache map service provider

The configuration of ArcGIS service provider is in <provider> node. The configuration method is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="agscache-WorldCitiesPopulation">
      <config class="">
        <configFile>E:/data/arcgiscache/sample/World Cities Population/conf.xml</configFile>

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  ArcGIS cache map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of ArcGIS cache service provider, that is ArcGISCacheMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  ArcGISCacheMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring UGCV5(MVT) map service provider

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="UGCV5-MVT-MAP">
      <config class=""> 

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  UGCV5(MVT) map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of UGCV5(MVT) service provider, that is MVTTileProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  MVTTileProviderSetting as follows:


Configuring Shape map service provider

The configuration of a Shape map service provider is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="shpMap-shp">
      <config class="">
<styleFile>E:/data/styles/style.json</styleFile> <charset>UTF-8</charset> </config> </provider>

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  Shape map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of Shape map service provider, that is ShapeFileMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  ShapeFileMapProviderSetting as follows:


Configuring PostGIS map service provider

The configuration of PostGIS map service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="map-postGIS">
      <config class=""> 
<dbType>postgis</dbType> <host></host> <port>5432</port> <database>postGIS</database> <user>postgres</user> <passwd>iserver</passwd> <styleFile>E:/data/styles/style.json</styleFile> </config> </provider>

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  PostGIS map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of PostGIS service provider, that is PostgisMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  PostgisMapProviderSetting as follows:

Configuring HBase map service provider

The configuration of HBase map service provider is in <provider>node. The configuration detail is shown below:

    <provider class="" enabled="true" name="map-hbase">
      <config class=""> 
<styleFile>E:/data/styles/style.json</styleFile> <cacheDisabled>false</cacheDisabled> <catalog>postgis</catalog> <zookeepers></zookeepers> <threadsPerCore>8</threadsPerCore> <!-- Set the datasource, dataset info to be published --> <filterDatasource> <> <datasourceName>Hbase</datasourceName> <includedDatasetNames> <string>newyorkRoads_L</string> </includedDatasetNames> </> </filterDatasource> </config> </provider>

The class attribute in <provider> represents the implementation class of the  HBase map service provider, the class attribute in the <config> represents the configuration class of HBase service provider, that is HBaseMapProviderSetting, and the contents of <config> are the configuration items of  HBaseMapProviderSetting as follows: