Configuring service somponent sets through XML file


The service component set contains one or more service compnents, and the service component set is configured in the node <componentSet>. An example of a <componentSet> node is shown as follows:

<componentSet name="components-rest">
        <component-reference  name="map-world"></component-reference>
        <component-reference  name="3D-sample"></component-reference>
        <component-reference  name="data-world"></component-reference>

The service component set contains three service components, namely the map-world, 3D-sample, and data-world.

In the combination of the service interfaces, the service component and the service component set can provide the service examples. Assume that a REST service interface named rest is configured (see Configuring service interface layer), then the URI of the service examples provided by the components mentioned above and the rest service component combination are as follows:

Represents the root directory of the REST service that are included to the components-rest service component set. You can access all of the REST services that are included to the service components of map-world, data-world, 3D-sample, and transportationanalyst-sample.

The structure of the <componentSet> in the configuration file is shown as follows:
