Registering big data file shares


The iServer distributed analysis service provides processing and analysis capabilities on csv data and udb datasets. You can register shared directories and HDFS directories to iServer and use the csv files, index files, udb dataset files, and subfolders in the directory in distributed analysis services.

On the iServer service management page (http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/manager), click on "Cluster">"Data Registration">"Register data storage", select "Big data file share" for "Data storage type" box, then you can register the shared directories or HDFS directories.

Shared Directory: You can register csv data and udb data stored locally or file shares to iServer to use in distributed analysis. Among them, the registered csv data supports modifying field types. For detailed configuration,see: Registering shared directories.

HDFS Directory: For large-scale data GIS applications, it is recommended that you use HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). It is highly fault tolerant and suitable for applications on large datasets. iServer supports registration of csv data ((registered csv data supports modifying field types) and index files stored in HDFS.For detailed configuration,see: Registering HDFS directories.