Shared directories


You can register csv data and udb data stored locally or shared in network to iServer to use the csv files, udb datasets and subfolders in distributed analysis.

Register a file share


  1. On the iServer service management page (http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/manager), click on "Cluster">"Data Registration" to enter data registration page;
  2. Click "Register data storage" to register a data store;
  3. Input "Storage ID", select "Big data file share" in "Data storage type" dropdown arrow, and choose "Share directory" in "Shared data type" dropdown arrow;
  4. When configuring the "Shared file directory", you can do the following operations:

According to the number of Spark cluster nodes you want to use:

Recommendation: When there are multiple Spark Worker nodes, to avoid mapping drive conflicts, don't use the computer where the data resides as a Spark Worker node.


According to the file type to be registered:

  1. Click "Register data Storage" button to complete the registration.

       Now you can start to perform distributed analysis services.

       Note: If you are registering csv files, the data needs to be verified before it can be used for distributed analysis service. For details, see: csv data verification.