Instaling on AIX



SuperMap iServer (for AIX) now provides a tar package (in .tar.gz extension) possessing gzip (GUN zip) compression properties.It is used on the AIX x64.

Ensure that your machine meets the minimum hardware&software requirements before installing SuperMap iServer. The installation procedure includes the following steps (here we take IBM AIX 6.1 as an example):

1. Copy the SuperMap iServer installation package to a directory of your AIX operating system, such as /home/iserver. And then locate to the directory where the .tar.gz file exists with command such as cd/home/iserver.

2. Run the following commands to extract the *.tar.gz.

gunzip filename.tar.gz

tar -xvf filename.tar

The extracted supermap_iserver_*_aix64 folder contains the following contents.

3. Locate to the directory supermap_iserver_*_aix64 in command line mode, and run as root. Then SuperMap iServer installation starts:

This process includes two steps. The first step is to install SuperMap iServer application functionality and the installation process is implemented by default;

When the console shows "Install finished", the installation is completed. The system will generate a folder named supermap_iserver_*_aix64.The folder is in the same directory level with It is the root of SuperMap iServer (for AIX systems). The installation log is stored in the install.log which has the same directory level with

Configuring after Installation (Optional)

You only need to configure environment variables manually if you don’t want to use JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and SuperMap iObjects Java included with SuperMap iServer.  JRE and SuperMap iObjects Java used by SuperMap iServer in default are located in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/support.

Before manual configuration, you need to rename or delete the jre and objectsjava directories in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/support. Note: For SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2012) packages of version 6.1.0 or later, without deleting or renaming the jre and objectsjava directories in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/support, the default configuration will continue to be used even if you have done manual configuration.

1. Set environment variable for IBM Java SDK. Users need to set JAVA_HOME to the path of IBM Java SDK. For example, set JAVA_HOME for the profile file (default path: / etc / profile).

export JAVA_HOME=/IBM Java SDK directory

2. Set the system encoding as en_US, as shown below:

export LANG=en_US

3. Set environment variable for SuperMap iObjects Java. Users need to set UGO_HOME, and add the $UGO_HOME/Bin to LIBPATH.

export UGO_HOME= /SuperMap iObjects Java installation directory


4. Execute source / etc / profile command to make the settings take effect.

5. Execute the echo command to check whether the settings are correct.



Advance users can modify %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/bin/ to customize  JRE or SuperMap iObjects Java.

Notes:If the Oracle datasource is used, you need to configure the environment variable as follows:

1. Set ORACLE_HOME and set it to Oracle installation directory. Besides, you need to add $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the LIBPATH variable, as shown below:

export ORACLE_HOME=/Oracle installation directory


2. The encoding of Oracle is GBK, please set the NLS_LANG as american_america.AL32UTF8, as shown below:

export NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8


Delete the directory of SuperMap iServer directly.